Saturday, January 16, 2010

Zombie Action Figures Zombie Trivia Question #3?

Zombie Trivia Question #3? - zombie action figures

You and your brother together (I dont care if u have) had a brother in real life, so u get supplies (food, weapons, water). A call to the National Guard. "Hello, we received a call early this phone # on" zombie "attacks, you are so full of BS." So, no backup, or are left alone and the night is coming soon. You have to appreciate that, after living in a tent for a week, you put the zombies.
A) Hold the position in the business - improvements to the barricade, so that can take the night
B) Driving a car in the parking lot and go to another store
C) in a car in the parking lot and drive to another nearby town (or a map)
Patrol D) hop in the car through the streets at night, shooting and running from zombies
Run E) attempt to the city on foot at night to avoid detection. Search for survivors of u
F) Individual responses - me ur approach


Jani Maia said...

Depending F) when the zombies are stumbling to mix zombies or delay the debut of an incredible speed, semi-intelligent zombies on the latest movies. In the first case it would probably be some good suggestions. In the latter case, yer probably screwed no matter what you do ... The zombies are going to go one way to find and get the long term, and if you leave the house, the absolute number (if this a nation of supply range) finally sinks. Not to mention the fact that biting is usually in these movies, one of its parts (you or your brother or someone that you were saved) mentioned, and change is a matter of time b4 and chaos ....

ishootbi... said...

A, then C
except that it would in C, we install a less densely populated area prefer to base camp, running so there is no need for the whole time.

blackjac... said...

A. Stay where you are and harden the barricades, but keep tuned the car, fed and ready to go.

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