Monday, January 25, 2010

Ohio Flood Plain Map Why Are Poeple Who Get Flooded In NEW ORLEANS Stupid, But People Who Get Flooded In NH And Ohio Not?

Why are poeple who get flooded in NEW ORLEANS stupid, but people who get flooded in NH and Ohio not? - ohio flood plain map

It does not help justfication New Orleans.
And they are all in floodplains.

Incidentally, the other states affected by Hurricane Katrina are windy for most of the damage and the levees do not break when there is no comparison.


politica... said...

Louisiana, which New Orleans is a blue state, and can not do it.

Zero1 said...

Who is living in a flood of clear what she wants to earn. This does not mean that my taxdollars their stupidity should complement, no matter where they live.

The same holds true for the industry. The fact that some business people are idiots and do not know how to successfully manage its own business who is not an argument for my taxdollars to save their industry.

Mother TJ said...

Who's stupid to someone, where they live is called, stupid! It is not about race, like the people are green, and Katrina happens "is. This world is populated. Someone name me a place on this earth without ******* natural disasters that can kill. We have flooding in one place, other earthquakes, comets and meteorites are also possible. Name me one and I will return.

grips said...

You know what the people of NH and OH not post or blame the government for their problem in two years. She took care of him and pulled on their lives.

Stormcha... said...

I would not say they were stupid. If you are not one of them you do not know what really happened and what they might do or not.
We have all learned from this disaster, or should have known.

The people in the Midwest weather blizzards and ice storms. They tend to come together to create a community to help each other rather than seek opportunities for investment and insurance form only.
Neighbors came to help hand to their neighbors in this time.

We can not expect that the government keep on, and to care for many people in need. People should have a contingency plan in advance in case of emergency, which can strike.
It has food, water, clean clothes, pet supplies, toiletries, cameras, lights, medical equipment, with everything you need to get packed in plastic containers or container. The phone numbers of parents in the same region or a state key partner if you get a family torn apart too.
Panic can lead to death very quickly learn, not how you react will help to think of the head, ThiAcross NSW.

Who lives in the vicinity of water were used for all sorts of year floods.Having inflatable boat and life jackets in all not a bad idea, either prepared.

Stupid is when you solely depend on others for survival after all this and are refusing to rein themselves and learn, they will use it to their own advantage.

Stormcha... said...

I would not say they were stupid. If you are not one of them you do not know what really happened and what they might do or not.
We have all learned from this disaster, or should have known.

The people in the Midwest weather blizzards and ice storms. They tend to come together to create a community to help each other rather than seek opportunities for investment and insurance form only.
Neighbors came to help hand to their neighbors in this time.

We can not expect that the government keep on, and to care for many people in need. People should have a contingency plan in advance in case of emergency, which can strike.
It has food, water, clean clothes, pet supplies, toiletries, cameras, lights, medical equipment, with everything you need to get packed in plastic containers or container. The phone numbers of parents in the same region or a state key partner if you get a family torn apart too.
Panic can lead to death very quickly learn, not how you react will help to think of the head, ThiAcross NSW.

Who lives in the vicinity of water were used for all sorts of year floods.Having inflatable boat and life jackets in all not a bad idea, either prepared.

Stupid is when you solely depend on others for survival after all this and are refusing to rein themselves and learn, they will use it to their own advantage.

Stormcha... said...

I would not say they were stupid. If you are not one of them you do not know what really happened and what they might do or not.
We have all learned from this disaster, or should have known.

The people in the Midwest weather blizzards and ice storms. They tend to come together to create a community to help each other rather than seek opportunities for investment and insurance form only.
Neighbors came to help hand to their neighbors in this time.

We can not expect that the government keep on, and to care for many people in need. People should have a contingency plan in advance in case of emergency, which can strike.
It has food, water, clean clothes, pet supplies, toiletries, cameras, lights, medical equipment, with everything you need to get packed in plastic containers or container. The phone numbers of parents in the same region or a state key partner if you get a family torn apart too.
Panic can lead to death very quickly learn, not how you react will help to think of the head, ThiAcross NSW.

Who lives in the vicinity of water were used for all sorts of year floods.Having inflatable boat and life jackets in all not a bad idea, either prepared.

Stupid is when you solely depend on others for survival after all this and are refusing to rein themselves and learn, they will use it to their own advantage.

scottdma... said...

That is exactly what you get when the people the "right"-have mentality.

And the D-Mark will only lead to greater him.

My question is: why this is happening in NO, but not on the coast of Mississippi? Entire villages have completely disappeared! I have not heard a major complaint of people in the coastal regions of Mississippi. Why? Because they are still responsible for themselves. Oh, and a Republican governor and local leaders of the Republicans.

There is only one of many things that make me hmmmmmmmm!.

regerugg... said...

People are stupid when they under the sea when a hurricane comes, when told to live, and when they leave.
People are foolish if we continue under the sea, when told that the levees were built to a Category 3 hurricane just to live.

The people in the flooded areas, wherever, if you buy insurance against floods.

train120 said...

Because of New Orleans, everyone wants to do everything for them while they sit on their ass .... in the rest of the country (floods, hurricanes, etc.), choose people themselves and take care of business ...... New Orleans, said he did not know what I do for my country, but what everyone can do in this country for me, so I do not ..... Oh, the truth hurts

Alan C said...

Since Congress want to complain spent € 155,000 per victim, and New Orleans and the people and "more"

I guarantee you that the Midwest does not require that amount, or receive this amount.

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